Monday, 28 March 2011

Project 2: Transformation - Research

On OpenProcessing I found a sketch labeled "Transformation - Join" which cleverly uses mouseX and transparency to create a effect upon interaction with it. There was also a sketch named "Sine Transformation" which varied a property of multiple sine-waves over time. It used its own Sine class which had its own variables and functions so it was easier for the coder to create more, similar sine waves.
I also found this video which explained transformations (translate, rotate, scale and shear) mathematically with matrices.

These let me conclude that Transformation is about changing an aspect of a something (eg. its form) but keeping its identifying features the same, although some dictionaries suggest a more significant change of aspects.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Project 1 Reflections

What have you learned so far,
what helped and motivated you to learn?

I've learned that, in creative coding, it is more important to have a good finish than a good base programm or project. eg. have a nice background detail(s) is more imprtant for design than a very interesting shape.
What motivated me to learn was was that I was able to use processing (and its reference) at home without any trouble and come up with new concepts for my designs.

Is there anything that you want to improve in your next project?
Set yourself a goal and make a plan how you could achieve this goal.

In my next project I will try to improve the overall design quality of my work by adding extra elements to the code. To achieve this I think I have to ask more people for their opinion on my work.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Project 1 Submit.

Here are the 4 final submissions. Each link to their OpenProcessing sketch.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Gradient template

Here is a template that will give
explained examples of how do gradients easily.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Hey all, this is my first post showing some of what i've done in the first processing tutorial:


You can also find there and all my other sketches On my OpenProcessing account.